You're Not Crazy Podcast

Single Mother Stripped of Parenting Rights: The Reality of High Conflict Divorce

February 04, 2024 Jessica Knight Episode 115
Single Mother Stripped of Parenting Rights: The Reality of High Conflict Divorce
You're Not Crazy Podcast
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You're Not Crazy Podcast
Single Mother Stripped of Parenting Rights: The Reality of High Conflict Divorce
Feb 04, 2024 Episode 115
Jessica Knight

Christina Pierce is a single mother who was stripped of parental rights following her daughter’s heart-wrenching reports of abuse. With each court appearance and every legal document filed, Christina faced an uphill battle against not just her ex-partner but, the judge on her case. 

Christina's story is one that resonates with too many. As she navigated the turbulent waters of custody battles in Boston, Massachusetts, her journey has become emblematic of a system fraught with challenges.

Christina walks us through her story and the fight to get her parenting rights back in this episode. We discuss navigating false accusations, documenting meticulously yet knowing when to act decisively, police involvement, temporary suspensions of visitation rights, and gut-wrenching decisions made under duress—all pointing towards systemic failures at safeguarding those most vulnerable: our children.

Christina's fight mirrors struggles happening behind closed doors across nations.  

To learn more about Christina and her story, you can follow her here:



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{Substak} Blog About Recovering from Abuse
{E-Book} How to Break Up with a Narcissist
{Course} Identify Signs of Abuse and Begin to Heal
{Free Resource} Canned Responses for Engaging with an Abusive Partner

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Show Notes Transcript

Christina Pierce is a single mother who was stripped of parental rights following her daughter’s heart-wrenching reports of abuse. With each court appearance and every legal document filed, Christina faced an uphill battle against not just her ex-partner but, the judge on her case. 

Christina's story is one that resonates with too many. As she navigated the turbulent waters of custody battles in Boston, Massachusetts, her journey has become emblematic of a system fraught with challenges.

Christina walks us through her story and the fight to get her parenting rights back in this episode. We discuss navigating false accusations, documenting meticulously yet knowing when to act decisively, police involvement, temporary suspensions of visitation rights, and gut-wrenching decisions made under duress—all pointing towards systemic failures at safeguarding those most vulnerable: our children.

Christina's fight mirrors struggles happening behind closed doors across nations.  

To learn more about Christina and her story, you can follow her here:



Support the show

Website: Emotional Abuse Coach
Instagram: @emotionalabusecoach

{Substak} Blog About Recovering from Abuse
{E-Book} How to Break Up with a Narcissist
{Course} Identify Signs of Abuse and Begin to Heal
{Free Resource} Canned Responses for Engaging with an Abusive Partner

Welcome to the relationship recovery podcast hosted by Jessica Knight, a certified life coach who specializes in narcissistic and emotional abuse. This podcast is intended to help you identify manipulative and abusive behavior, set boundaries with yourself and others and heal the relationship with yourself, so you can learn to love in a healthy way. Hello? And thank you for being here. Today I have a guest.

I was a story that I wish was not true. I wish we didn't need to share, and I wish that she didn't have to experience. Pierce, a mother from Boston Massachusetts joins me to discuss. Her current court battle, that she has been sharing on Instagram on Tiktok and some very reputable professionals have also been sharing. Christina is a mother, single mother, who went through a high conflict of divorce she is not divorced yet, who lost parental rights because She reported that her daughter was reporting abuse.

It is way more complex than I just made that out to be. But you will hear it in Christina words on this episode. This case is still open, and there will be a lot a future updates on it. The best way to stay updated is to follow Christina, all of the links To find her are in the show notes. So just scroll down, click them.

She does share at the at the end of the episode, but I imagine that you will listen to this in parts, and you will likely wanna go back to it. If you need help, if you are listening to this and you're struggling, but if you are afraid, there are places where you can go. If you contact me and if I have a resource, that's not myself. I will put you in contact with them. I do help women with high conflict divorce cases.

I'm trained by Tina with and 1 mom's battle. I went through, I believe the second, high conflict divorce coaching, training. In addition, I am a trauma informed coach. I'm also been a life coach since jeez. 2009, I got rec certified in 20 15.

There another resource and stopped working full time jobs. And made coaching my full time business when I had my daughter, so if been in this world I've been in this life for a while. If I don't feel like I'm the best person for you, I will help you find the best person, and I encourage you to go to 1 mom's battle. Dot com. If you would like to learn more about post separation abuse.

I'm almost at a loss of words. That long pause wasn't planned. I'm reflecting on this episode that you were about to listen to and my heart just breaks for her. My heart breaks for her children, and my heart breaks for everybody else that I've have been in contact with over the years that have similar stories and as heavy as all of this is I wanna share that I have seen others, and I have myself successfully helped women, bargain against pseudo science claims. Now you know what I'm talking about, most likely, If you don't the term nation, it's a pseudo science, it was literally created by a psychologist that was...

That committed... Not only committed to his side, but he was a pe file. If you Google it, you'll find all this information. It is literally a pseudo science, and there is a large industry that depends on it being framed as not a pseudo science. It is the only like psychological disorder that a court will rule on.

It's insane. I will not give more words to it. That's how insane it is. There are other episodes where I talked about it more in detail with Tina within. But if you feel if you are worried, if you are concerned that your case.

May have some threads of this pseudo science. Prepare now, prepare before you need to be prepared. And if you need help, I am happy help. I help women with this. I help people with this, I've helped dads with this.

And if I'm not the right person for you, I know that there's someone that is. I'm gonna stop there. I'm gonna let send you to the episode. As always, if you'd like to contact me, the Email is jessica at jessica night coaching dot com. Emotional abuse coach dot com is my website, hi dash conflict divorce coach dot com.

Is my divorce coaching that you can also get to for my main website. You can follow me on Instagram at emotional abuse coach here's Christina. Hi, Christina. Thank you so much for joining me today to share your story. Thank you for having me, and thank you for providing a platform on topics such as this.

Much absolutely. Well when I was thinking about... When I reach out to you and then are we connected on a local Facebook group. And when I was thinking about this? I always say, like I'm excited finally talked to you, but, like, in this case, before we got started, I was just thinking, like, I wish you didn't have to do this.

Like, I really cannot imagine. Yeah. Everyone I meet. I'm like, it's great to meet you, but I wish I never did in the sense that I wish it was under better circumstances. Yeah.

I wish this was, like, a different pot... Like, I wish we were talking about being single mom because I know that's your handle on Instagram. I wish that was our topic today. But it's not so Christina. Here we are.

Here we are. And if you can, I'm gonna let you just introduce you, and from there, we'll go into a bit more of the background. Sounds good. My name is Christina Pierce. I am a single mother living in Boston.

I am still married and have been dealing with the probate court system, or I should say my divorce, 1 way or another since Marked, fourteenth of 20 20, coincidentally the same day that quarantine started. Mh. I have 2 children. They are my everything. We spend our weekends hiking, skiing going to the beach going to or Pool club, you know, our friends will Joke Cat she, do all that as a single mom.

And on January fourth of this year, I was tragically stripped of physical and legal custody of my tube have not really... I haven't had any ability... I've seen them at a school performance just recently, but than, I haven't seen my children since. I dropped them off to school and never saw them again. Yeah.

With we hear of these stories and especially people that are... You know, follow 1 mom's spot, that'll follow custody peace. There's all these places that talk about these issues and when we hear about them, they're typically in, like, other counties. And I've certainly heard of them happening in Boston, Massachusetts, but I think it... That you're...

What you're going through and for the fact that it happened in such a town that like, it's supposed to be progressive and is supposed to be liberal and very people focused that this happened here. Yeah. I think that that feels shocking to me. If still shocking to a lot of people. And, you know, I've been left with saying, like, what is this the 19 twenties And how was this happening in Boston?

That's exactly of the thoughts that have crossed the minds of the? Yeah. So I wanted to start with a little bit of history because I figured without the context knowing me. I would just jump right in and start speaking about these things. I mean the backtrack.

So I wanted to start with history of how things got here. So you said the divorce started the day quarantine started. So the date you gave me was 03/14/2020. Is that the date that 1 of you you or your husband filed? No.

That is the date that we landed from family vacation in the Bahamas and the cats that are had left a male. And for whatever reason, I picked up the mail as he was wheel in the luggage and discovered bank account information, which he had opened up a new account and transferred out 100 percent of our joint funds. The Wow. Okay. So this doesn't start with a filing of divorce.

This starts with you being completely blindsided. 100 percent. Okay. So let's start there. So you land after a vacation in the Bahamas.

As you come back to what is about to be quarantine time. The news is going crammed to him. What I described describe as a ghost town. It reminded me out of a scene from a zombie movie. Yeah.

Yeah. So then you find this information, all the finances have been taken... They've been transferred to another account. What's your reaction? At first, kind of disbelief, I said, we'll put it back, and he said, no, I'm leaving, and I said that's financial abuse.

And he said that's a strong word, and I said it is. But at that moment, like, a bomb went off in my home. I was living under the marriage that that I had had for 12 years. I was like, wait, what? Like, are we going to counseling?

Like, are we getting divorce Like, what is going on? Like, we've got kids. You know, it was... I was going into damage control? I wasn't thinking rationally or clearly in the sense that I was just going into damage control, and it was just literally a bomb that had gone off.

In the home and overshadowed. You know, everyone was kind of anxious and freaking out about Covid. For me, it was hard to look across the street and the fire when a bomb was went off of my own home. Yeah. Did you have the sense that this was coming?

No. He would have episodes, every 3 to 4 months. And he had had an episode relatively recently triggered by. We were in the middle of purchasing our rental. That was for lack of better works kinda textbook.

However, it was something that he had newly gone into therapy to work on, and I was putting a lot of weight in the basket of he was working on these things in this episode. So the episodes weren't necessarily uncommon they were problematic and they were something that needed to be dealt with, but this no and never in a million years would I have... Thought that this would happen. No 1 thought coming and it blew or close family friends out of the water, like, some of them we had just vacation within February. Got it.

Wow. Well, and, like, the episodes were these more of, like, was it more mental health related? Like, he'd sort of freak out and, like, try and, like, flee? Or was it... And I mean, obviously, that this is a personal answer then feel free just move past it, but or was it more, like, depressed episode where he wasn't fully functioning.

They were always kind of the same. I just never knew what triggered them, and I would spend my time trying to figure out what triggered them. I remember 1 time he was coming home from a business trip, and I was, like, rapidly cleaning the home. And ar nanny at the time was, like, is everything okay here? She got the by, like, in other words if the house was gonna be clean, I might be hit.

And that wasn't a circumstance. But I was behaving in a way that she even said something verbally to me. So I didn't know what the triggers were, so I would just try to eliminate them and hope that it didn't trigger 1. But it would be, like, withdraw, withdraw, acting, maybe, like, you're mad at me or just withdrawn, short answers, Are you okay? Yep.

What's wrong? You seem like everything? Nope. Fine. Withdraw withdraw withdraw, And then are you sure?

Are you sure? And then, you know, I would poke the bear. But I also came to learn that if you elongated poking the bear, it just dragged out the withdrawal. So it it's was kinda like, at some point, the the band aid had to be torn off. And then the ex...

Explosion came. Mh. Everything was my fault. I was working against him, and the sky, you know, was purple, you know, just things that were completely different then would be characteristic of the person that I knew yesterday. Let's put it that way.

And then they would end? Exactly the cycle of abuse. You know, like, tensions are rising. You're trying to bar against them. Then, like you said, you poke the bear to figure out what the hell is going on.

There's the explosion. Then the... There's... That's the abuse of it at least the abusive of incident, and then it somehow gets back to a comma again until to arise. And again.

And then 1 thing I distinctly remember is that the state of confusion where I felt like, I say this figuratively, but I just been beaten up. And then the person that's there that is there to comfort you, like, is the person that just beat you up, and I remember acknowledging. And I actually... They verbal this to him that it felt, like, a very conflicting feeling to just need, like, your husband a hug you and make you feel, like, better, but that was the person that just did that. And it was a very conflicting confusing feeling.

Yeah. And that's literally the definition of, like, a trauma bond. Do you know, that's how it feels to be in a trauma bond. Is the person that hurt you is also the person that you believe is gonna make you feel better. And that, I don't think anything feels like, crappy than that when it's happening.

It's like, it's so confusing. Right? I had no perspective on any of those things. I've equated it to... You know, I've never...

Used illegal drugs, even in high school, I think we used to be the quote traded group. Mh. But I equated it to like, being on drugs in the sense or what I would imagine in the sense of, like, you couldn't realize it when it was happening, and it was only when it was, like, out of your system and when the fog cleared that you could kind of look back and see it, and it took some time after the physical separation of being alone in my own house when things started to come together, people started to make me aware of things. I started to remember things because I wasn't able to look at it objectively when I was too busy kind of like, trying to put out fires and keep my family together it was hard to see the bigger picture. Yeah.

And I'm sure Felt, like, living in a fog a bit that once you were able to get some... Physical mental space from it then pieces has started to come together, but especially when you're dealing with it, and they're telling you your perception is wrong. It's hard to see and you're being blamed? It's hard to see outside of it. So after that bob went off, did you continue to live in the...

Marital at home with him for a while? Not with him, no. He left that day. I believe he went into, like a hotel and then rented, like, a fairly expensive Airbnb. And I stayed in our home with the 2 children.

Okay. So very quickly, that sounds, like almost immediately. Everything changed. Everything, and my daughter, you know, lost... I mean, we all lost, but from a trial of perspective, it wasn't just her father, it was school.

It was friends, we were completely cut off. You know, if let's just say your spouse dies tragically or even not tragically, you know, friends are coming in your house to bringing a box of tissues, you know, they're holding you while you fry. No 1, this was the start of the pandemic, and nobody was coming to my house out of fear that we could literally really kill each other. So it was very much a horrific experience in itself. It was exact it was an inhuman experience due to the timing of the world, and it certainly didn't have to happen that way, and the answer could have been at any time.

You know, let's table this. This is a pandemic. Like, let's... Figure out how to... Even if it's not living together, but, you know, in healthy ways to unfortunate.

But let's pause and figure this out. Yeah. Like, like, I husband that and Ivy had, like, 3 separation before was, like, vinyl. I think that was the... Let's figure out what we want and take some space moments.

So, like, there's so much around that time that's, like, coming back to me too because, like, my child was only 3 at the time when the pandemic are. I remember thinking, like, her whole world just got turned off and, like, your child just based off the ages. Like, she was in... Was was she in first grade. He was in Kindergarten and she is extremely extremely social.

Yeah. I'm I mean, I know a lot of course, kids like to play with our friends, but that is... A huge or yeah. Kids... Yeah.

More so than other children. Yeah. Same with Mike. Like, she severely misses. People, You know, Like, she was the kind of kid that wanted a facetime with her friends.

And... Right. Even at 3. My daughter's first question when we're doing something is who's coming with us. And, you know, It's not because she doesn't wanna do it with her brother and Meek, but her first thought is, like, is a friend coming with us.

It's her first. Question. Yeah. Yeah. All.

That's so cute. That's so cute. He, like, wants to bring everyone along with her. And we do. We've opened our, you know, if we've rented a home for vacation, We've opened our doors.

We've always had friends come a visit. We've lived very... We have a lot of friends. Our kids have a lot of friends and we've had a really great. We haven't been isolated for the past few years, which I think is been even more shocking to people whereas, I am known.

My me as a mother is very well known and how could something like this happen? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, absolutely. Absolutely.

I can see... And I guess, before we move on. I don't wanna lose this thought. I could see that connection in the pictures. That you post.

You post 1 photo a day. I know what the end you'll share your Instagram handle with everyone. But there are photos of like, living light it's not, like, oh, we went out to dinner because that's look like, or here's us Us all watching Tv because we don't do anything things. It's like, everything you've posted it shows, like, the genuine connection that you have. And that was always there.

It's not a... Tempt now to, look how kids... Look how happy My kids are. It's... Because you see that too, You know, I had a quick anecdote story in court where The day before, my daughter had actually complained about feeling uncomfortable being forced to take pictures, and she said it's like he's trying to make me look like I'm happy.

And I actually described the 3 photos in detail the day before Quart, what do you think materialized? I must be psychic, but, you know, that's... Yeah. That's a challenge. If only you could identify trauma, abuse by just looking around and seeing who smiles in a photo.

If that were how it works, you know, the world's problems would be solved. Yeah. You know, as mother's, we know when our kid is giving a fake smile or a 4 smile and what a genuine. Smile looks like. Yeah.

Okay. So barge first 20 20 happens. Ea moves out, to a hotel than Air airbnb. Are you still cut off for money? No.

At that point, I'm not cut off for money at that point we were both utilizing the shared account and his family, I believe was subs his new way of living. That said, I was a business owner at the time which get a troubling spot. Yeah. So Yeah. Unless you were, like, figuring out how does cure Covid almost everybody had that, like, it's like, the world stopped.

I mean, that's what it I... 100 percent. Like, you were in the spot of though everything stopped. Did you start? I know courts were closed, which is, like, an important piece of this puzzle at this time, so, like nothing could get done, you know, and then when court started, it was Zoom Court, but I'm curious were you able to come up with a parenting plan at this time.

Yes and no. There were obviously safety concerns with who was coming in and out of his home. It was a temporary home. We were prior working with a... Prior to separation, we were working with a therapist, specifically for people that have issues parenting their children.

Okay. And so we were previously working with someone because of his challenges with our daughter, and some of those explosive episodes. So, you know, this pre separation, You know, this is not... You know, yeah. And I think she also came in as guidance.

Unofficially, but officially, I mean, I know We're were paying. We were her. I don't know she's was taking money from me because I think be felt so bad, but So at first, I would leave and he would come to parenting in our home, and she said that that was, like, re traumatic because, you know, then he would leave again. So, you know, my daughter had a lot of anger at the time, and, you know, there were some concerning incident or 2 that happened between him and the children. Very early on at 1 point, I had to, like bang on the door to get my daughter out and make him leave the home.

Yeah. So we were receiving some guidance on that. And then we first didn't go into court. We first started with mediation, and I wanna say that was in 20 21. Okay.

So once you could begin mediation, you tried that. How did that go? I felt I was hesitant at first and then we looped in an expert in the field, named Katie Rice, who is very well known. The state and very well respected. I'm sure that's a name you've heard before.

I do know that she's very experienced that she, you know, used to be a probation off sir that she is not a lawyer Gl. She's a mental health provider anyway from her investigation. She concluded that it wasn't even in the children's best interest us to have 2 consecutive nights with their father, and she quit him on a phased. 6 month plan to build up for what he wanted, which was alternating weekends, and that was gonna be step 1 step 2 and then alternating weekends, which she wanted, under the 1 condition or the 1 parameter that he really didn't like and that was that his girlfriend not be around the children. Yeah.

Well, but that also makes complete sense. So that just sounds you know, we think about children's best interest, which is always what we're supposed to be thinking about. It sounds like simply asking for the girlfriend not to be around him having... Issue with that is just like it's 1, not paying attention to the children's best interest. And 2, just really being selfish and bitter, an 100 percent.

It was a problem let's say. I don't know the motivation behind it, but Katie Rice did say to me. I can tell you where I was standing. I burst in into tears because it was the first time. I mean, you know, this...

This... It wasn't like we had seen many professionals, but it had felt like a long time of, I you know, this craziness that's happening, and then she came in and got it. And so it felt like a sign of relief, and she said he... I don't know, beg gru or whatever. He agreed.

He didn't like it, but he agreed. What we didn't know at the time is he had already moved her in. Okay. And we didn't know that. Yeah.

Yes. So, unfortunately, from my experience with him, some of the challenges he has had in the past does to tell his family 1 thing to tell me another. You know, it would go up to the last minute, and then someone's gonna get found out that he's telling 2 stories to 2 different people. So I would guess, and I don't know. I would guess that the girlfriend might not even have known that she was supposed to vacate the home...

I I don't know. It would seem more like him if... And he had this... And was like, oh, crap. What do I do now?

And at at that point, he was alone 5 to 6 nights out of the week. Yeah. So there is ample time to spend those nights your girlfriend and just focus on the kids when, you know, Yep. But those are some of the early problems call her mom, framed photos of the 4 of them buying a Christmas tree in December of 20 20, things that were very challenging. I remember my daughter was stealing 1 of the photos from the frame and coming home.

It was cr, and she was crying. You know, you don't have to be a genius to know that that was probably a very difficult adjustment for my daughter, and and unnecessary. Yeah. You said about the 5 nights, you know, a week if not more than that, that it just goes back to the priority, and I have to imagine it was framed differently to the woman, but who knows. But I just...

Yeah. That sounds extremely messy. And, also, I'm glad Katie Rice picked up on it. Was able to name it and frame it and to put in some of these limitations. I mean, I had hand written journals, like documenting most things.

Handwritten from instances and and things. And, you know, and I I remember what she said to me. She said, I believe there's a problem, and I don't just believe that from talking to you. I believe that from talking to him too. So whatever he was saying, was sending off her red flags as well.

And that, you know, I think was important for me to hear because it wasn't that he was kind of believing 1 side births another, it's that from her experience, she was picking up on red flags from him that also signaled there was a problem. Yeah. And it sounds like, like you said before, you know, that the whole thing about telling 1 story to 1 person 1 story to another person and make of bold stories to somebody else, like, it's gonna end up coming out. Like, things are not going to be consistent. You know?

And I I tell this to clients all the time, like, as long as you document you stay focused on your fat on the actual truth and what's happening, like, they are gonna mess up. And at this point so early on, He's messing up Pretty big. Yeah. I mean, and something I remember my attorney saying at the time, he had met with our mediation judge first. And then I met, and it wasn't, you know, maybe 5 minutes into the conversation.

I hadn't even gotten into any my story. And I said something about, like, I've been concerned. I need a Ga. And he was like, oh, gonna use Katie Rice. We're gonna get a parenting coordinator.

And my lawyer after was like, he must have said something that sent off red flags to her, we're to even think that was an issue because I hadn't even communicated there yet. So at this point, you know, I don't know what's gonna happen with finances. I don't know what's gonna happen, but I'm feeling occurred and acknowledged on some serious concerns that exist even at that point. Yeah. Absolutely.

And that's what I'm hearing from you. Too is that at this juncture, you felt like you could speak. And I think you probably had the belief that for professionals are here to help too 100 percent. That was 100 percent what I saw and thought at that time. So take us from post Katie Rice, not to...

Today because I'm sure a lot happens and you eventually end up living separately and having a plan I'm guessing. But after Katie Rice, what happened after that we began the plan. Mh which was documented in email and text messages. I know He's now refused that that plan ever existed. However, there's emails and texts.

We began that plan, and it was quickly violated. And the girlfriend was clearly around the kids. He was never really able to brush my his son's hair, and he was coming in in these meet little buns. And I remember saying, oh, your hair looks so nice. We did her hair and he's like, I don't know if I should say her name, So I won't want give be, like, her.

I don't know Let's just call her jane, pain did it. And I was like, oh, you saw Jane, and my daughter say, no He didn't. Nope. Nope. She wasn't there.

And I was like it's okay. Like, let him share his experience, and she's like, But he's lying. It's not true. And then he would say something and she'd be like, well, maybe she was the... And and it was just very concerning at that point.

However, that for, you know, lawyers is all, like, document document document, like, we'll use that later. You know what I mean? But it didn't interfere with the plan, particularly even though who's was violating it. In essence, because we were also told that the plan part 1 wasn't followed, then it didn't automatically start part 2. So there were supposed to be check ins before the phases started.

So, you know, this was just let's see how it goes. So then my daughter started missing school, and she was sick. She had stomach aches, Now keep in mind this is very early pandemic, and those are signs of Covid that you're supposed to keep somebody home. Yeah. And so I remember 1 day, it was a Friday, and she said to me, I wish I went to school yesterday, so I could stay home today because I'm gonna see dad or something...

It was 1 of those days, and that's when I realized She wasn't sick. This was emotional. Yeah. And that's when I had another conversation, and they said you need to pull the week weekday visit. And I did.

I called the weekday overnight because it was impacting the school week. And I said, we need to get back on the plan. And once we do, we will re implement that. And she got very angry and ran into court and filed for 50 50. And at this point, that's 1 of the first filings.

So yeah that was the first filing. Okay. Was it an emergency order or temporary orders? I think that was his fe official filing in court. I I'm not...

And, again, the technical technicalities of how it works. Yeah. I know that was the first thing aside from filing for divorce. Like, that was the first. Yeah.

Okay. The time I was aware that we would see a drug if that makes sense. Got it. Yep. Yep.

Okay. So you go to court and right before we started recording, you and I were chatting briefly about the judges because as we get to the story which we are close to, like, and the things that are happening now, then there's an important part of that you had a different judge that had a different tone, had a different person... 100 percent. And so now you're with that judge. Right?

And I'm so You have this plan by a very reputable Ga that put this together, and there's a step by step. He's not following the steps. Correct. The children are presenting issues, you know, the rest to your daughter, and, well, and your son sort of being, like, coached into lying, it rather than just being honest. Like, you probably could deal with the truth and work with the truth as long as he, you're not watching your kid after the lot.

Well, that 100 percent, and that was the issue. My daughter would court, like, getting yelled at for walking into the bathroom because she can't walk into rooms without asking permission because obviously, somebody was being concealed or or She reported hearing coughing and should ask her bother who's coughing and he'd say, I don't hear any coughing, which I don't know if anyone's actually seen the movie. About gas lighting back in the fifties or whatever, but that's the definition. It's denying something, you know, she saw flickering gas lights and She's like, why are they flickering? He's like they're not flickering.

So... Yes. It did become very problematic to the children. Yeah. More so my daughter.

How did that first hearing go? The hearing for temporary orders? The very first thing she did was tell him that she's never seen any benefit from having an independent third party, no girlfriend around the children. She ordered alternating weekends, and send then tl ultimately ordered, like, support and things like that. She also ordered that he would pay you tuition and things like that.

So she had protective orders in place for the kids and similarly, the girlfriend would now have to vacate the home. And again, no 1 had stated that they had moved in already. I know that nap, but he had never stated to me that she was moving in when that had originally happened. I do know that he on the record moved in with her maybe a month, after that order came out, and that's when they moved from Boston into the suburbs. Got it.

Okay. Yeah. So at this juncture, it still sounds like I trust the court process. You know, when I tell... It sounds like when I tell the truth and what's happening and how the kids are presenting, they hear me.

Correct. Yeah. And that's when the motions would start coming in. There would be a motion to get the girlfriend back in the house that should say, no. There would be a emotion that I was an extreme alcoholic and couldn't even stand up that I would come to pick up the kids and they would stand on the sidewalk and watch me Attempt a parallel park and I'd be slur.

I mean, it wasn't comic because it was costing me thousands of dollars, and it was horrifying, but it almost was comic in the sense of Well, then why you put the kids in the car? Like, if you're making that claim? So then are you ne? Like, which is it? And then paying the claim that the kids were in neglect, did.

They were dirty. They were smelly. There they were holes in their clothes, they're malnourished. Basically, you know, they look like when you find some kids in, like, a a basement cage, you know, and 1 of those horrific news stories. Yet, like my kids are in pride at school going to private center camps, like skiing on the weekends, like no one's ever seen that, So she never used to even hold those motions.

She would just strike them out, and I've come to learn that that is actually illegal in Massachusetts. The abusive litigation is not illegal, frivolous. Motions are illegal. And that's what she was protecting and doing her job at the time. Okay.

So it was illegal for her to strike them. No. It was label to file frivolous motions without any substance, Is against the law to harass the other party. Yeah. By filing those.

So she would adhere to the law where there was no evidence. But there was never any substance provided to back up the claims. So I never... We never even went to court with those crazy claims isn't the point. Got it.

Judge was doing her job. Exactly. Exactly. The judge is doing her job. Right.

Yeah. Because even when you said them, it's, like, that's insanity. I mean, and I've seen insanity. That is insanity, and I'm glad That you have never had a Dui. I mean, I joked at the time.

I challenged anybody I'd even find a friend that's even ever seen me drunk. You know, in many years. I mean, well like, well, how are the kids doing. Right? Like, it's like, if you look at the right records.

Right? People know you, like, I'm sure you could have had 40 people right of Affidavit that said, like, she's a click, I see her here. She's a great mom. Right. I mean, Yeah.

Doctors do toxicity for, you know, the generic depression medication. Like, no one's ever seen any evidence of this. And in addition, no one's ever shown evidence of it being accurate. So it really was concerning to me, but it still cost thousands of dollars in legal bills even though we weren't going into court. Yeah.

Because I'm still dealing with it with my lawyer. Yep. Absolutely. Absolutely. It's, like, even when it doesn't go to court.

It's absolutely still post separation legal abuse because it is. Like, you said, it's cost me you all this money, You have to defend it. You also have to explain it to your lawyer, then your lawyer 100 percent. Wants to strategize around it and how to show patterns and now you're documenting the patterns. It becomes a full time job.

100 percent. And that attention that should be given to children and and so much attention is placed on the mother of oh, yield them from the port. And I dare somebody to do it better, But at the same time when, you know, so much effort is spent trying to bat at the baseball being thrown at you, you know, that is deter some time from being a... Not that I'm not a good parent, but that by default, you only have so many hours in a day. Mh.

And that would, you know, equate to me for late nights after they were in bed, the ability to work out went away because after they were in bed, that's when I'd have to deal with it. There were things that had to go in my life so that it couldn't impact the child, but I could still deal with all these crazy things. Yeah. Like, you said, they're only few hours in the day. And then when the kid that the kids are out of the house, and you have to...

Like it's like, I'm sure you're working. You know, Like, there's other things that have to happen too to great life moving because I always think of legal abuse like, this is meant to throw us off. This is meant to make us make safe make the mistakes. This is meant to, like, cost us our sanity? Right.

And obviously, there's the financial part, but the impact of the mental, like, but all the other stuff. It always feels and always felt to me so much more than the. The financial sucks, But it's like, I... If I could just shut it down and not have to talk about it and put anything together and just pay it. I'd rather do that because...

Then I don't have to, like, take this time away. Right. Like, be, like, either sleeping or, like, putting wear or laundry. So when we wake up 100 percent. We can go right into you know, breakfast.

100 percent. And the accountability needs to be on the person inflict it. Mh. The spotlight isn't on, We'll well, how are you managing? Having all these baseball thrown at you, which, by the way was pretty damn good.

But either way, I was always very concerned why isn't the attempt and being, you know, spotlight on the person doing the quote, crazy things. Yeah. With your first judge, do you end up getting to, like, a separation agreement? No. These were all temporary orders.

So we had temporary orders in place for child sport. We had temporary orders in place for parenting there was even, you know, when he started refusing to continue the children's extracurricular activities. She had even placed an order that he could not unnecessarily delay or deny activities. An order had to be made... To stop feeding my child gluten that she's allergic to.

There were lots of orders that needed to be my mutually in place that shouldn't have had to continuing her fencing class that she loves. Yeah. The shouldn't be a struggle when it, you know, when it's, you know, it it just shouldn't be a struggle. So we had to seek the court to help that, and oh, by the way, it just to this day. It's not being followed.

Yep. Okay. It's not funny. It's sad. But I remember a doctor appointment.

I said to the doctor. Like, can you just put in an email that, like, she's really not well enough. To travel. Like, he's not gonna believe me otherwise, and and she was, like, I'm not in the middle of your parenting issues. And I was like, no.

No. No. That's not it, like, You know, but he... Like, he hasn't seen. He doesn't know that she's, like, this sick.

Like, and she goes, she has 2 ear infections, you know, a sort, like, strep there and, like, listed everything, And she's like, this is a parenting issue, and she wouldn't do it because of just, like, He just felt like it was ridiculous, but well, like... Right. Is ridiculous how could a parent not see these 2 ear infections this that on the other? Yeah. Exactly.

They don't see that. And and I have experienced that as well in school administrators have had to come out to the driveway. The best I could do was tell my daughter, we have to get to school. We can talk to somebody there because I knew if he stayed at home. It would just be used against me in a court law.

Mh so despite panic attacks, you know, I get her to school, and an administrator would have to come out to try to get her out of the car, and she would verbal. I don't wanna go in. I don't wanna see... My dad to pick me up. I mean, she would verbal it in a more upset panicked way, and I would assure her.

You know, all that verbally was done. You know, they can hear me saying, like, it's gonna be fine. I'm gonna see the deaf tomorrow. They're hearing all that, and they're also hearing the child, say she doesn't wanna go with her father. So but where's is the letter.

You know wears that. I I had sent it at 1 point in email. And I was like, thank you so much for today, this is what, you know, just kind of recap what happened. And I would get an email back. Being like, yes, You know, she's doing better.

You know what I mean? But Mh. That was also my way of saying, well, here's is their opportunity to be, like, deny it. You know what I mean that if they weren't gonna do it on their own. Yeah.

And they were gonna have to be in a position to deny it. Because, obviously, if that were false, they would say, I don't know what's talking about, like, that's not what happened. Or you know what I mean They they would say something the, like, legal, you know, to Cy y or whatever or Cy? Right. But that was the best that I could get.

Nobody wants to get involved, and that's why I hate when they're were like, the school both this nobody wants to get involved, and they're also never aware of what mud is being s on the other side. Yeah. I mean, that's absolutely right. And, like... On 1 hand, I think that doctor schools, professionals...

I mean, even, like, especially therapist. I mean, and I understand why therapists don't wanna get involved. I mean, I don't think I like that, my child feels comfortable, you know, with her therapist. I think that's important that, like, they... He trusts her.

But all these professionals, when things are happening, they really try and take that step back. And I think on 1 side, they're trying to just like, be the professional that they are and not get into these things, but then there's, like, on the other side, though, there's such an impact placed on these things on school, on the... On, like... So it's, like, it doesn't add up. I also think it comes from a place of Cy and from a therapist perspective, it might come from some therapist.

Value, you know, I remember reading or discussing with a clinician. I forget which 1 or both about just generally speaking borderline personality disorder, you and they said that it's typically not diagnosed because if they diagnose, like, there's not gonna be any continuing. I mean, if there's even a borderline line, seeking treatment, which is a miracle, but providing a diagnoses like that would just discontinue treatment. So in other words, there's more help in not turning someone away. And, you know, my daughter's therapist who did kinda str the line.

However, would very adamant put into writing, like, slow transitions are important for her. But she would say I'm sure you're both interested in what's best for her. But, you know, she was also aware when I contacted her, and he would not agree to therapy. And then once we got into court, finally, all of a sudden, he was in fan of therapy, which again, I said to my lawyer I'm, this is so annoying, but, like I'll take the win and I get, you, the most important thing is my daughter's starting therapy. But, you, she filed a 51 against this house.

You know, multiple people have filed. Abuse reports or suspected abuse reports against his home, and she was 1 of them. Mh. And that was based on a privileged conversation, and and she's been treating my daughter for a long time. So she would know what's genuine what's not.

I mean, this wasn't a kid coming and saying, Mommy told me I don't talk you what Mean? So it's like, I don't even understand how anybody could formulate an argument on the other side because it just a eyes logic in my opinion. But it happens? Yeah. Absolutely.

I wanna get to the abuse allegations. So Eyes kinda get to the change in judge because that's when things really probably started to take this different and new... Absolutely. Alright. So Now you speak very publicly about judge T in the Suffolk County court.

What year was it when she sort of took over from the previous judge. Yes. And just for the record, 1 mom's battle was the first person that kinda put her out there. There's another advocacy group that kinda put her out there. And from that, I kind of, I guess, felt a little more empowered.

I did start a little timid with my story and fear of further retaliation. But I'd already been at retaliate against for following the advice of doctors and law enforcement. So I guess, Insanity doing the same thing and expecting a different result and by putting it out there. You know, we've identified the 9 victims. So just wanted to asterisk, You know, I was still scared at first.

But So. Absolutely yeah. Yeah. So judge to share, I guess was out of Essex County. And though I have not reviewed the medical documents myself, it appears to be well known that she sustained, she fell and had a semi...

I'm not a clinician, brain an injury or something to that effect. And again I have, like, out there pretty much. Yes. I cannot make those claims. I have not reviewed the medical information, but that is...

Fairly well known in the legal community that that occurred. I can't state the reasoning, but shortly, thereafter she was transferred out of suffolk I'm sorry out of essex. I believe she might have done a very brief stint in Norfolk and then came into suffolk county in maybe. I mean, March April, the the spring of 20 23, and that's when everything changed. 20 23.

So all of this stuff that's happened I mentioned you right before. I went online. I saw how much has been filed on and then how my awful has... Also has been taken off. This is only since the end spring.

And I think that's the other thing that's so wild to everyone is that the kids were protected up until May of 20 23. And that's when she reversed everything. And for lack of better words, all hell broke loose, you know, not all at once, but And prior to that, there were complaints. Prior to that, it wasn't smooth sailing. But in hindsight, it was a dream compared to where we are now.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, in, like, everything. To be honest everything you were your shocked because that's the fact of the matter. I've been, you know, we've been protected for years, all of a sudden.

Well, I'm more shocked because, like, being in the family court system, just going on and seeing all the filings. I was like, oh my god. There's so many here... Like, you have to scroll down. You know, what you're on your case.

I mean, I'm well into the multiples of the 6 digits. I mean, it's insanity, how much that could have benefited the children, you know, and when he complains about private school tuition that, you know, he thanked me when I sought out financial aid, right before he transferred all our money. If while all of our legal bills went into the children's education. I mean, no 1 would have have to worry about tuition again. Yeah.

I get it. Yeah. Everything that... Yes. Everyone that sees it.

They're, like, it's a complicated docket. And I'm like, oh, yes, it is. No. It's an insane docket. Like, listen it's like, it's insane.

I think 1 thing or 1 question that I have on it is until this point, everything that was filed was, like, pretty not to say reasonable, but it was like, it's like, what we hear about. You know, it's, like, you're having to nit and go for these, like, little things, like, including, like, making sure that she... Like, that your child being fed which she needs to be fed. But at this... Point, I believe all of the filings were done by him.

I think the counter filings were done by us, but I wanna say every complaint was filed by his son. Got it. Point And then what was the first filing under judge S sahara? I don't even know what... Or if it was...

I never realized people would say, like, what are you accomplishing with this? Court date and I'm like, I have no idea. That I don't give you an agenda. Like, it was never made clear to me and I don't know if other parents feel this way. But people will be, like, what's the point of this state?

And I'm like, a status update, like, it... I've never really received an answer. But either way, we had gone in and at that point, she made a statement that she had, quote, never seen a father with such little time, which is ironic because alternating weekends is not... That uncommon. Oh, yeah.

It's pretty common. Yeah. And either way, she's been a judge for at this point, like, a couple years, you know, versus And that's, you know, when I was speaking to some attorneys, they were like, Katie Rice got it. Judge Kaplan bought it. Judge Ward got it.

You know, all these people got it. And then in walks this other judge. And she's the first person to not get it. Yeah. I mean?

And it doesn't stack up. You know what I mean? To use her terms it doesn't pass the smell test. You know, she said that's to me once, But... Then that was her word.

So I... It just doesn't pass the smell test of this being. What everybody else was seeing. Yeah. And it also sounds like she wasn't really respecting the prior judge's rulings.

Not at all. Building off the prior... Like, the rulings are... The belief that, like, this stuff has been lit in front of reputable reputable people had evaluated this. Yes.

Exactly. Yeah. A lot of eyes have been on this, and they're all reputable... Like, all the names you just mentioned, Katie Rei judge Kaplan. Like, those are all very reputable names.

In Massachusetts family court. Exactly. And, I mean, we did have a jail... The... I mean the only thing that had come out.

We did have a Jail report come out from You know, I'm so happy to see the news articles coming out about William James College, because I was aware of I became aware early in 20 23 about the issues. At William James College, and issues with the educational. System or the Gl, which is very aligned with, you know, the very concerning claims of what's coming out of William James College, the and we had agreed to an experienced Gl and got passed to a student. And now we're seeing that you can't even do that. I would have had to appoint William James College as the Jl for them to pass it to a student.

When I appointed, Susan Smith, to use a false name, I agreed to Susan Smith. I didn't agree to you know, a... Again, I don't recall her age. What I do recall is that it wasn't a young woman within been striking me as a student. This was someone, you know, closer to retirement age then which, again, you can always choose new career.

I'm not shaming, but I wasn't aware that I got student at the time. I was aware that the name wasn't what I recall to. Was getting. Our report was, like the second report, She wrote. There were complaints from even my daughter's therapist whose privileges were protected yet she badger her on the phone for 45 minutes.

I things like that, and then she issued in 5 days. She started writing a 66 paid report for For the deadline, and it was just very inconsistent. There were holes. My lawyer kind of, like, objected to it saying, like, this is a piece of evidence. This isn't this was, you know, done poorly, and this is by a student that we didn't agree to.

And All Report is is it's a piece of evidence subject across examination, and there are lawyers out there that have reports from William James Call, where they forgot to swap names. Wow. Yeah. These awe was doing... Is doing a white paper on William James, and I was aware of that, and I was like, every month that went by that that white tapered come out, was frustrating to me because I was just waiting for it to come into the public about William James College, is further, You know, we were gonna dispose the Ga, You know, she's gonna get crucified from there, but now that this is out, and the article even mentions the white paper still to come out.

There's huge issue going on at William James, and I'm really glad it's coming light because we paid a lot of money for an experienced Jl and we got, like a sham of the program. So... Yeah. From another rep that. That was the only thing.

That's the only thing that's ever come out, and it wasn't even against me, but it needs claims that weren't subs? You know, he talks to the kids about the divorce? He does too, but less. Well, do you have, like, a checker mark? Like, like, are you there?

Like, how do you do you even make those claims? Yeah. Like, are there a nest cam that they're matching? Right. Like, okay.

Of this because I I don't, and you don't. It's also... You know, when those claims are made too. Like, what always sticks out to me is like, well, what is the parent say when the child comes them with a concern or question? And, like, what, you know, as a parent you're trying to answer it like, as...

Fairly and not gas lady, but also not despair in the other parent. Like, have to go through, like, in a in a millisecond steps. Wrapped have to walk a tight rope while Hula hoop, While juggling. Yes. Exactly.

All... You don't get to pause. They're mom to think that up To think through the answer. Sometimes I'll... My daughter comes me and say, you know, I think that'd be a really good thing to, like, ask Daddy.

Sometimes she'll say, like, no. You know, She'll say she'll just, like, have a way to say no. And I just like, like, okay. Well, here's what I think round about the answer might be, but if we want... If you want, I can ask.

No, Okay. And then we just sorta to move on, and she tends to on. And I... You know, at 1 point, she'll probably ask. But, like, You know, that's something that comes, like, I've had a client of mine.

Her Ga report said that she was too controlling. And I know this mother, just, like, too controlling. And I was like, what's the example that they use. She was, like, Well, we're starting to potty train the child and I didn't agree to get started just yet, like, because my life isn't set up for it, and I said, can we just wait? You know, Right.

Exactly. Before we get down this, like, potty training plan, having to follow a kid around peeing on carpets and everything. Right? She was, like, we just have, like, trouble and my parents are visiting. I just know I can't, like, give it the hundred and 10 percent that I did next month.

And I was like, and that's the reason why you're too controlling, and she was, like, that's what was cited. Was that I mean timelines. And anything that was cited in ours wasn't even backed up by any evidence. The real comic part is I had never heard the term before. And I thought what it meant when I heard it would mean that the kid prefers 1 parent, like she's to 1 parent versus another.

What I found is that it means that has to take on the role of parent and has to take care of their siblings and that, I mean, you had to laugh because we spend a lot... Time. You know, I began spoken to you explaining how social my daughter is. I mean, it's rare that we don't see friends on a weekend. Like, it's really rare time we make a lot of plans with friends.

And everyone will say. I mean, I don't think there's anyone out there that will say that she will do jack for her brother. Know and it's a struggle for me. I mean, if Even ask her, like, I'm unload the dishwasher. She's like, why do I have to do anything.

You know? I get a lot of ads to her, and I have to kind of combat that with, you know, being a parent, you know, some rational discipline while also having empathy to the fact of what she's going through. But being the parent, I would challenge anybody to provide an evidence of that. I would love of when anybody makes these claims to come forward with examples. Because you know, it it reminds me of, I don't know if you've ever seen the original miracle on 30 fourth street.

Long term black and white 1 or whatever. And I wanna say, it's like, part of how they prove, like, Santa Claus is real only bring in, like, bags and bags full of male, you know, because obviously, the post office is an official organization that an acknowledge is Santa's is real. And, you know, given the chance, I could flood the court with thousands of things to the contrary, and I would really welcome for the matter of honesty, anybody to provide evidence of the contrary. I would welcome it. Yeah.

And then because if there was evidence, like, as of mom, we would edit. We'd be like, oh, There's some truth there. Why don't I change my behavior if there's 100 percent. Yeah. Not.

No. There's not you know. Mean, god, I've been so afraid of the system. I mean, they would have told me dump, but I would've have said, how high if I were doing it I would've have stopped. You know?

Mh. But you said something that reminded me about. You know, you give a little answer and your child said, no. I had consulted quote experts in this for children to kinda guide my answers, how the the person that I said was working with us for the parenting issues that he was having with our daughter, a psychologist out of my child's pediatrician, And the advice I always used to seem to be, just give a little bit of information like, mom, where do babies come from? You know, Just an example And I'd be like, well, it was in my belly.

And a child might say, oh, okay. And that's their way of saying, like, that satisfied their question. That's enough. You to be like, whoa. What a man loves a woman.

You know, it's like, too much information. And then if they're not satisfied, They might say, okay. How does the baby get out? You know? And then you can take that step by step in all steps.

Yeah. So, I mean, 1 thing that we were always advised and this was 4 separation was do not lie. We were combating some issues of lying in the house and we were told even white lies to correct. For So, you know, if we were driving her to school that day and the bus didn't come. It's not...

Oh, the bus didn't come. You know, because then she's gonna go on a school and her friend's gonna say, hey, Why weren't you on the bus, and she's gonna say, Oh, my dad told me there was no bus. So even those little things we were told to correct, so it's a stern no lying policy in me home. But you can't obviously give the full truth when you're trying to protect them from court and details that you're not supposed to share. So, you know, a go to of mine.

You know, why is daddy doing x. Sometimes adults do things that we can't understand. You know, I would look for answers like that, Somebody might come forward and tell me that's the wrong answer, but I've received that from guidance from several professionals as a way that children should be self bird. But we don't have to get into... Because, honestly, I don't know why my daddy might do that.

I might have my hypotheses and my opinions, but those don't necessarily need to be shared. And an honest answer is sometimes people do things that we don't understand. Yeah. And if there's something that you're upset about, I would encourage you to discuss it. Well, no.

I just get in trouble or are made to feel guilty. You know, well, I'm sorry that you feel that way. That's a heart healing, here for you to hug or if you wanna talk about it. You know, those are... Ways to be honest, but to deflect without seeming like, oh, that's grown up stuff.

We don't talk about grown up stuff. I think that's a horrible answer for a child. Honestly, it makes them feel like they're insignificant, and they don't matter, and there's a way to do it without sharing information with them as well. Yeah. No.

Absolutely. I like that. I like to say 1 thing and then build off of that, build off of the questions that come from it or the lack of questions that come from it. Exactly. Yeah.

Because sometimes you're right, like, they just move on, they just move on to the next day. Like, this thing that was like, oh my god. How the hell I answer this. It's like, over in a second because they're like, okay. That's satisfies.

Check. You know, I, I got a real gem this past summer, and or, no. Actually I think it was maybe 2 summers ago and said, mom. What's sex? When I paused for a second, and I said, Well, when you have a baby, you would the doctor would say, the sex of the baby is a girl or the sex of the baby is a boy and she said, okay, and that was it.

I'm I mean Got it. Yes Yeah. You were like, oh, my god. Like, I have the star motherhood today because I blocked. Again, I answered it honestly, I didn't dismiss it.

Oh, that's something y'all talk about when you're older. No. And, similarly, we're taught to not stigma digitize things because that's how kids are getting abused. And, you know, by making it something we... Can't talk him nobody but at the same time.

I'd I didn't wanna talk about it. So I Yeah. You know? So I, you know, I gave it honest answer, and and that was enough. For her at that agent time.

And and she accepted it. Right. There'll be another time when she's asking a more specific question. Mom, and then you'll need... She'll say out, Mom didn't lie, you know, for Mo she's not gonna look back and say, why did mom lie to me?

Right. Yeah. As we get into, like, the deep part of the story. This, like, really the really traumatic part. There was something in 1 of your videos that you said that, like, got it.

Like, I mean, your old... The whole video hit me, but this in this not chicken kid lie. You said, we teach kids to be honest and to speak about how they feel. Mh. And, like, the impact that that will have on your daughter.

And that really tore me up because I think about my own and what that feels like. It's something that it's hard for me to even think about because of the long term damage. This does, you know, she was assured. There was another parent witness there, and she was assured telling the... You know, she's so afraid if he found out, it would be worse for her, and she's, like, telling the truth is how we keep you safe, and what a lie that was, and it's not to the parents fault because we would have thought the same.

You know, we're told if you see something, say something, you know, when that family dover, you know, was tragically murder suicide, You know, all the lip service for domestic violence went up. But unfortunately, there is no help for you. And I believe that the police, you know, when they do something, they think they're helping, I believe in the clinician, reported something they think they're helping, but then it goes into a system of there is no help for you. And I had a former lawyer that said to me, and this was the biggest concern this was the biggest reason that I fired them is she said, you should find some help to basically make sure your daughter's not coming to you with these things anymore. This Wow.

And I was told by an attorney that the key to this was to get my daughter to stop talking to me. About things that are happening to her. And let's just say we're not in divorce or not in probate court. When your daughter goes to a party and something bad happens or when... Teacher does something appropriate or whatever.

We are supposed to be training children to talk about it and to come forward. He so that we can protect them. And this person is telling me that I need to get her to silence herself for my court case. Mh. Yeah.

And that's just wrong. And that was a huge reason, and I I actually, like, replaced that attorney. Immediately, but that was a huge problem. And as a parent, I don't care if you're in a divorce or not I don't see how that wouldn't glorify you. That children are pots.

So my daughter asked for help and conveyed fear retaliation. And she got taken from her mother? My daughter conveyed help again and I lost the Zoom calls that I mandated by the court? Why will this child ever open her mouth again? Yeah.

Not absolutely. Absolutely. Tis, let's go into that piece. So you're with judge to share the tone of the case starts to change, things are starting to get reversed. Did you have the same attorney, but at this juncture.

Is it the same attorney from the judge before judge to share and now? At this point, I had the same exact attorney up until I never was held a hearing for my first restraining order, and that was the same day that comment got said to me, and I had my same attorney I say until, November sixth. Okay. So until the winter pretty much. So you went through all summer and basically October.

But, yes. And very so much on that docket, I forget. But, yes, until October. Yeah. And so the previous attorney starts to see, I'm guessing they're starting to see these things get reversed, these things get changed.

What is their perspective on what's going on? So everything got changed immediately. It was like an immediate, 100 percent reversal of quarters? Though it wasn't written, there were things that were supposed to happen under the guidance of my daughter's therapist for her mental health. That were not followed.

You know, she even suggested that slow transitions are helpful, and he was insist that this plan starts. Immediately by this date you know, the judge requires it. Well, I really don't think the judge would have held him accountable for phasing it over even a few weeks. For her benefit based on what the therapist is telling you. Right?

But it was immediate that the girlfriend could come. It was immediate that it goes to 50 50, So now you take a child with diagnosed adjustment disorder. Right? And you throw them into a world that on top of it, I wasn't even prepared to tell her about because some of those things even happened before they were supposed to, and I wasn't even able to give her I heads up, like, hey, you're gonna see Daddy. She might be there this weekend, you know, just because that's all the therapist say.

Is that things can't her. She has this real realistic expectations. Yeah. 100 percent. And so it started tumultuous.

It continued tumultuous, and my attorneys were saying document document document document document document documents. So we were documenting the injuries. We were documenting, you know, my son starting key himself again. You know, my son had been dry for... So a long time through Airbnb bs through hotels through weekend trips, you know, even places he's not familiar with.

He can find a bathroom just fine. And now he's wetting himself. He's not able to sleep alone anymore. Yeah. You know, lots of things going on, document document document document.

Yeah. And you're documenting, and they're suggesting you don't file. Right? Correct. They said that they wanted it to stack up.

Okay. And I don't know if that's because I don't know. What is it because they're aware that this judge has issues? Is it because they're aware that something is going on? It wasn't made clear to me.

Sometimes why they told me to do things. I remember when my son was first injured and they said to me, his school was, like, you need to contact dc. Like, like, that's... You need to call them immediately. And my lawyer was, like, you can't call Dc.

But it was never made clear to me why. They didn't say because this is what his title will use against you. Yeah. It was never convey to me why and a friend of mine, who I... You know, won't any names, so you may or may not know.

At an instance where the school ra raised concerns about their son and and the father. And, you know, she responded in a, well, I think a 100 percent appropriate way, and she said, if you're having these concerns, you know, you should do something about that. And what ultimately ended up going was mother asked us to... Call and Dc will say that is, quote, potentially manipulative. It doesn't mean it's manipulative.

Mh But that's what it gets classified as when it comes from a parent and that's what the other side attorney will try to destroy you on regardless of what happened. Yeah. And it also sounds like they're like, let's get enough. Your attorney. Was like, let's get enough.

Evidence, like, to basically, when we go into court, like, it's, like, we have all this evidence, but in that time, happening, and you're, like, kind of... It almost probably feels like, I'm just, like, you know, I'm walking through the twilight zone and I... 100 percent. File anything. Because I'm told I need more evidence, But, like, is the evidence Kid getting into, like, a Dui Is that enough evidence for the court?

I always felt that no 1 is gonna care until my daughter's in the hospital. Yeah. And I thought that day happened, and then that was a direct catalyst to me losing them fully. Yeah. And so you do talk about this in detail on 1 of your tiktok or 2 of your tiktok videos on 1 mom's battle that I will post in the show notes for anybody that wants to follow it.

But you basically you share there that at the end of December, your daughter was making some claims, and you... I think you basically canceled 1 day of parenting time or something like that happened. So yes And no. And again, here's to my detriment, I do not lie. So to my own fault.

Like, there was somebody recently was like, oh my god, today I even changed diaper, and I was like, absolutely. He did. I'm not gonna sit here and slammed. Yeah. Yeah.

What I mean? I am... I will be able to stand behind what I say 100 percent, and I will be able to provide receipts. So with her, she has this... Extreme episode.

Right? And she also disclose that she was hurt and that she's afraid that if it gets found out, she hurt more. His parenting time was suspended right away by the same judge. We go back in a court a week later. Now the only difference here is that I'm required to file a police or Like, that's what they want you to do.

You have to file a police report if an incident happens, or they'll just say it never happened. You have to... Like, no matter what you do. You have to file a police report report So I went... I had to go file a police report and the town that it happened.

And at this point, Dc was involved, and they had let me know of... 2 different aspects of red flags that have been raised that they were to investigate, and I panicked because I was aware of the statistics, that when, you know, parental alien has been claimed when abuse comes up, that's, you know, mothers are way more likely to lose custody. And when other concerns of abuse are raised, they're almost never believed. And so I was panicked because when I went in on the eleventh, that was only physical. And like that stands alone.

I don't need more. I don't need other forms of potential abuse to go in on because I've always only stood on physical concerns. Right? Mh. So now Dc is involved.

I'm hysterical. The detective there finds me hysterical And and I'm, know, I'm like, I'm gonna get in trouble. He's like, no no like, just tell me why You're. So I was, near for police report. But I'm gonna get in so much trouble.

Like, I was genuinely in fear. Yeah. And he long story short. It was like, like I believe, like, you need a restraining order immediately, and I said, I can't. I can't.

I can't. I gonna get in trouble, and he's, like, that's not how a law works. That's not how this works, blah. Yes. He said, I am filing report with...

I'm filing a 51. My advice to you is this. So now do I do it out of you're getting in trouble or do I not do it and potentially get found ne for not following his advice. The toughest position. Right?

And when you heard you say that on the video, I asked myself, if what would I do? Well, the judge told me I should have stood up and walked out. And that is on transcript. Yeah. She told me I should have stood up and walked out.

Wow. Anyway. And why? Like, is there a y on the trans pot? No.

No. There's no why, but cut I should've have just got up and walked out, or I could... Quit should. To be quite honest, I... I'm not gonna stand behind that exact.

It was either could or should. Yeah. But the direction was I could have just left. And then what happened... You know what would have been thrown on my face.

She was concerned. She would have done something. I mean, which goes back for, like, all of this documentation that you're doing and sort of waiting to see, like, what what point will it be enough and, like, things I'm sure escalate and, like, you obviously can't speak to the other parent about issues that are happening, and so it brings you to this point of. Right. Of, like, well, like, at what point do I have to do something?

Like, at what point is it no more... Is it no longer like a maybe, but it's a hack right So parenting time goes from suspended to now. I'm in trouble verbally for getting it for them issuing or restraining order. And she says that if we don't sign a stipulation in 10 minutes, the kids are going gonna foster care. What?

Yes. Not to at, like, first of all, like, not, like, there's clocks for care in 10 minutes. Again, brand script available. I mean, not that this needs to go down that they need to be taken away from you. But well, also, I'm confused.

Yeah. Allegations were... That we're against them. I'm confused. They're I'm confused now.

Taken Right. There aren't abuse and neglect allegations against you, Why can't you parent your own kids because you can't agree with somebody who's abusing them? Because maybe I'm making them say these things. And, you know, and then the clinician, the this that, you know, and my daughter must be Meryl Streep and I am too, because we're just the best actresses in the world that have fooled, You know, people that do this professionally. Right?

Yeah. Versus a lawyer that's never being fact checked. It's never producing any evidence. So we must be Meryl streep, and I don't know whatever, you know, insert real dakota fanning when she was Lower whatever child actress was really great at a young age. And I would tell you, we would be making a lot more money in Hollywood.

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, this would be, like, a nightmare of a story that we would never wanna watch. And there's this... You know, that thing O razor.

It's like... Typically, the answer is the most obvious. It's not this elaborate flawed of these elaborate things, and it's, like, you're kinda creating these elaborate stories when like the truth is right in front of your face. So we sign the stipulation under extreme du rest. You're what's an inflation for that now they spend 1 week with me, and now they spend a whole weekend with him, and they go out of state.

Okay. Where his parenting time had just been suspended for all of these things that are, you know. Anyway. So we don't know what to do. At that point, I contact my senator.

At that point, I can't... Well, I mean, things happened in the interim. We had to meet with the Da and W, the detective came out and was like, you were right. And I'm, like, crying. You know, you know, they're all, like, we've never heard of this, You know, the Da pulled thing, and she's like, this doesn't even make sense.

The Da even quoted the stipulation is quote not even enforce. So this... I mean, everyone is, like, this is insane. Right? So I'm seeing this as insanity.

Everybody's backing this as insanity. I reach out to my state rep and my senator, and I tell my lawyer that and they withdraw with that as a reason. Yeah. So from there, we're floating or, like, we're, you know, in the water without a light vote. And what I did try to sell was, oh, you're gonna have so much fun, you're gonna have these presents, and I'm selling this like my life depends on it because I'm afraid.

I'm terrified. I mean whatever I terrified, of this judge before. Now I'm in extreme fear. So I'm selling the ability for them to go on this this weekend like my life depends on it. Right?

And then they get Rs recipe, and my son is sick with a hundred and 3 degree fever, and even has to be seen at Boston Medical Center on the 20 fourth. They both get very ill, and I'm photograph thermometers, because He's gonna stay lying... There's a confirmed Rs diagnosis from the doctor. Now at this point, my son, 1 of the things that happened to my son is he fought for his life. To not be taken by his father, and it was a physical altercation, and my son screamed in ways.

I have never heard in my life and my son is loud. Everyone will tell you my son is loud in a temper tantrum. This was an un un godly scenario. His sister was, like, hitting, you know, hitting to get him with stop. I ended up even having, like, losing my footing and like, doubling back and she caught me.

I ended up at the emergency room that night for an aggravated neck injury, Although I was not the intent of what happened, It was targeted at my son, and this is on surveillance footage. This is actually what resulted in the first 2 restraining orders. Being ordered in the probate court. So I've spent an hour and a half at a fire station in North Red. I have been at the pediatricians office when my son sick and he screamed in the lobby to not leave with his father.

So now I'm under stipulation where a random third party is supposed to take the children with Rs. Out of my home on Christmas Eve. Mh. And bring them to another random third party to bring them to him. And how is that supposed to go?

Like, these kids are very ill very, very, very ill. And an ex of, you know, that... I even know what that would have done to my son. I don't even know you know, what? I mean, his oxygen levels were having to be monitored, his blood pressure was raised by his fever, what would a fight for his life even looked like at that point.

Yeah. Yeah. So I notified him that we had filed an appeal, which again, I didn't know what I was doing, but I filed something to kind of, like, go back to the day. Of the eighteenth. And so I'm told that that stays on what happened and that until we go back, you know, the children, you know, they have rs I can't send them, let's get together and discuss how we might put something together, so that the children, you know, so that this can move forward.

Mh So out and say, look, they're super sick. Like. Like insanely sick. You know, if they weren't you mention their mental state. I do mention that that is rated.

I do mention that as well. Yeah. Because I was fault for that that I claimed it was because they were sick. Yet I also mentioned, and I rated testified in my affidavit. I submitted mentioned both.

So I never lied. It's right there in the affidavit. Well I was fault for that because I didn't just mentioned sick. But then at the same time, she also said she didn't care if they were sick. So, I mean, none of these things make sense to me.

But I was... So... In in their defense, I I mean, whatever that defense is, I did mention that they were very ill and that the emotional state was also poor. Yeah. And those 2 feed each other.

Right? When we're sick, we don't, we don't... Our emotional seat is down when we're down, we get sicker. You know, it's... They they feed those feed each other.

And it sounds like you also are trying in this moment to take what we would see on the outside is, like, a reasonable approach of, like, this weekend's not gonna work, but let's figure something out. Outside of the work was never part of the parenting plan period, and that's the challenge. So not only is there an issue not only was it part not part of the parenting plan. Not only are they really sick, like, there was nothing really stacking up at any of this. Was in the best interest of the child and to be honest with you.

I was never even vaulted for that in writing. It was never part of her facts and findings of why she took them for me. He never even filed contempt about it, You know, and another judge, the main judge in Seth account even said that, He said, you know, you solution this problem that was up to him if you want to file for contempt. Because that's how the law works or it's supposed to. Yeah.

If I did that, he was supposed to file contempt if he felt it was contempt of the order. And I never even filed that. How did he respond when you said, like, they're sick. They're not gonna be able to come. I'm not...

I've wanna say he wasn't... He kinda fought with me a little bit. I always kept my responses very like, if a judge reads this, this would be reasonable, or, you know, so I would would've have thought. And We... He ultimately said, okay.

I'll do a Zoom. And I said do you mean with me because I had offered to Zoom with him to kind of, try to find a path forward. And he was, like, nope with the children. So he zoomed with the children. And then we didn't know what would happen when he would come back from out of state.

You know, is he then gonna say, okay. It's my weekend. I'm seeing the kids. You know, we we had an address what that would be. It was just right then they were too sick to, like, leave the state.

Yeah. And we never heard from him again. Yeah which I can't say why we didn't, but I would assume it's part of his argument that they were withheld this entire time. We never heard from him again. He never said, I'm back from, you know, Connecticut.

I'd like to see the kids. That was never communicated either. Or how are the kids feeling? Never. Or were they feeling?

Are they feeling better? Like, I would keep him posted every time. So if somebody went into the hospital, I kept him posted if when my daughter got ill, I kept... I did keep him updated. Again, to be quite honest, not because of me because I never get a good response from that.

But even illustrate order to follow the rules of court and what you're supposed to do as a c parent because I know in my heart, no one's hearing that on the other side, but I still have to do it to play the game and play by the rules, and so I even still did that. Yeah. Is the appeal what brings you back into court? No. The appeal was rejected because I had vote hybrid representation.

I had a lawyer at that time, but I didn't. So they were denied it for hybrid representation. And then there was another 1 where they were, like, you need to file a motion in probate port. So, you know, there's a lot of, like, nuanced things of, like, passing the buck if that makes sense? Yeah.

Not here go here. Oh, this is missing this period on this, you know, dot these go here, that kind of stuff. I will say, though they haven't been helpful. It's much more organized. You know, the clerk, everything at Appeals Court, and superior is way more organized.

Somebody answers the phone, files are found, They can pull information quickly. They are polite, they're professional, when they receive ef filings, they handle them even if they're not 100 percent perfect. At... Because even in in probate even if they're, 100 percent perfect. They may reject them 3 times because I don't know why.

I have nothing, but at least at that respect, I will say those were functioning at a much more professional system that I would have expected from sprint, Yeah. So what brings you back into court on the floor. So we were doing court on the second, actually, and everybody showed up, and my case was mysteriously gone from the docket, and the judge was not there. Hey. Well, so there's a sq over, who has the children.

And the worst thing that I heard from his attorney, I reported this in my affidavit, so this is public record, who And I don't know why I should be afraid to say it anyway as he yelled. So if the judge isn't here, she wins. And I looked right Adam, and I said, this is not about winning or losing. This is what's best for the children? That's literally if that is, like, nothing gets me more triggered than using the word winning when talking about family law cases for it.

Like, I mean, we weren't in the court. He said it even in front of the court clerk. Like, so she winds, like, whoa. You know And, yes, I know. You know, he obviously when he makes up these fake eyes or when he admits an open port that his motion was a lie, which oh, by the way is a violation of the law.

Like, you can't do that when an attorney signs their name on something, eyes They have to say it's accurate to the best of their knowledge. So when they get up in court and say an opening statement, oh, that was actually all a mistake, that's actually an it's... Explicit violation violation in the law, but I digress. So I... There was a sq over who was supposed to have the kids.

I ran down to the Clerk office and tried to file something to get in front of a judge to get guidance on what happens now. Because right now, we're all floating in the middle of the ocean with no guidance, and I'm still expecting protections from the court, So I get in front of judd dunn, who was actually the judge that had issued my restraining orders in September. And he, you know, again, I've I've always thought this man is gonna annoyed by me because I had to go in front of him twice due to filing her. At this point, they had to unlock the courtroom door because they assumed they were done for the day, so it was, like, 10 minutes to closing. And that he had to be called back in and, like, put on his outfit, Like, I was, like, this man Gonna I hate me.

Like, I'm set up for failure right now And I have to admit. I've never felt him to be the warm person, but what I've seen from him is I've seen him do his job I've sat there. And heard him make calls to check in on, you know, verifying stories. Like I I, again, I I can't speak for him 1 way or another. I have experienced him do his job and he said to me right there.

I said, I don't know what to do, blah. And he said, I will schedule a court date for you 2 days from now on the fourth. That's when he said you solution. Problem that was up to him to file for contempt. I was like, what do I do?

He's, like, I can't give you a legal advice. I said, I understand that. But as a person of the court, he was, like, that's basically my way of saying, like, you know, know you figure it out. So which was also interesting because he wasn't telling me to do something that my husband was saying either. So I I went in weren't on the fourth, you Well, I'm on the third, my daughter reports being forced to take photos that made her feel uncomfortable.

And I just... I I find this story very interesting for anybody else that might experience this. Is she complained to me on the third of these really uncomfortable photos, and she said it almost made me feel like he wants me to seem happy. And she described the photos in detail. So I actually reached out to him, not because, you know, he's gonna care what I say.

I mean, part of it was to document. But I was like, hi, you know, she's saying this. I'm not sure why she would say this, but I just wanna let you know she's stating she's uncomfortable. I also add it to my affidavit. Wouldn't you know he produces the same exact photos.

I must have been a mind reader, but anyway, so I prepare a 12 day job Affidavit, and I walk in with 27 pieces of evidence. And I have this times 3. I have 1 to file with the court. I have 1 for myself, and I have 1 hand to for his attorney because at this point, I will be pros s. Yeah.

And I am like, I have photographs of injuries. I have police reports. I have medical reports. I have letters from the school showing that once the order changed in May. 1 to the counselor office again.

I have the attendance record showing some of prop panic attacks around not wanting to go during his visits. Like, you name it I've got it, Sorry know, the only thing I don't have at this point is the medical report from the Crisis counselor, but I have the name of the Crisis counselor. You can call her. I have the name of these people, like this is what happened, And if you don't believe me, please give her a call. You know, I have everything.

And I go in and It was not that long, and she basically said that she was stripping me of full physical and legal custody. I would have Zoom 3 days, 3 times a week with my. Children, and I dropped them off for school, and I never picked them up again. That day. That day.

Wow, and there was a witness there, that she kicked everyone There were 2 people there. She kicked them out. But... I mean, I... They told me they were like, listening.

And the door for a lot of it, but when it got bad and when it took a break, did a break for lunch, I I said something and she would get a challenge. Like I was like, I an a. You can't do that. She was like, I'll have to go check, you know, So should go check. And then I would say something else, that you would have to go check.

So I mean, I was speaking to a colleague that was there for something she does professionally with a Dc case. You know, she was there not for her own situation, but as a... You know, she had to be in the court and represent in some form for some pilots that's in Dc. And she was like there's no way. Like, this is not.

This isn't a law works, blah blah. So though she was kicked out of the court, the door was still open, or it surely kicked out again. Like, the door was open at this point when she finally gave the order. And what she did was she sent somebody out to him with a notepad to write something down. And I noticed that she didn't come out to send something for me.

And I just knew it was something strange. So she came out, she read the order to this witness, which again, it's it's I have the transcript. I took it, like a champ? I made us... I said, can you please verify that this is being recorded.

Should yes, it's being recorded? I made a statement, and I said, thank you. I will figure out what I need to do next, and I walked out of there. I did not cry. I did not shout.

I mean, I lost it later, but I took it the best way. I thought... The way you need survival mode. The way I think I should've... You know what I mean?

You know, the human aspect would have been the burst into tears. Be like, I'm gonna do that, you know, and or... But, like, that wasn't gonna do anything, and that wasn't gonna, show my strength and my determination that I won't... That this is far from over. And that person did just 1 of the earlier comments on my, social media.

You know, while I was still being quiet, I think I was just saying, you know, I lost my kids Like, I don't see them, but she was like, I was there, you know, when this mom, you know, started pointing out some mistakes, and she kicked us out of the room, and she spoke, you know, this and she was met with. Basically, yeah stating how I was spoken to very inappropriately in this that and other. So, yeah, I would say up until yesterday, I never saw the children after that. Again, I never even got to say goodbye. Yeah.

How could anybody? Anybody? Drug addicts have their children. I mean, people in alcohol rehabilitation programs to have children. I mean, people out there that aren't in probate cases, you know, are actively doing horrendous things to their children.

There's no even big claim against me. How could anybody think that not even saying... In other words, not even saying, like, okay, starting Friday, he's gonna have an extended How could anybody think that that is even in an atmosphere of what's best for a child? And like, again, no neglect no abuse, no clue. The claim was that I've interfered with him and that they need to quote, reconnect.

The claim was also, I think, again, I can't say for certain. It's possible, because she did say at the end. I don't have time to review everything. Which was kind of concerning, and there were things like, I don't remember things. So that was a little concerning.

But in the facts and findings, which you're required to do and you change temporary that you're required. I don't know if people know this. You're required to do facts and findings because you're actually not allowed to just change custody for temporary orders that otherwise kids to be y y left and right. Yeah. But if it's saying that harm might come to the children if I don't issue this.

That's when you change temporary orders before a judgment comes out, and so you're required to do facts and findings. So her facts and findings, which are not facts nor findings was for Kenyan, yet I interviewed with the children, this was issued to a spa, which means on her own. It wasn't even a motion. It was my motion. It wasn't even his motion to take the kids from me and that I had applied for a restraining order on September 20 eighth, and it was denied, except I have them in hand.

So that's not correct. And then I applied for another 1 on December eleventh, and it was a Oh, yes. That's the 1 that you denied when you said my kids are going to foster care, but that doesn't... You know what I mean? But I think she...

I made my... It people thought that maybe she was writing that to make me look like you know, like, if she tries to go for another restraining order, she's gonna look like this crazy part from the Just keeps trying. I can't say why she did her or didn't do that, it could've have just been, she didn't remember or have time to review everything. But a lot of people have felt that that's why it was there, except and that was the first documentation that I produced was the restraining orders because not only do I have them? But they were issued in the same courthouse.

Yeah. I weren't even issued in a district court, they were issued in the probate court. Right. So they... When she pulled up your case.

In your name. They're right there. Yeah. Nobody even ever said they didn't exist, so I don't... She was the 1 that vacated them.

Like you know what I mean? Like, like, I couldn't wrap my brain around it. And I can't, as say as for why. I don't know as to why. You know, people have their opinions.

Sometimes even go back and forth on my opinion because she has spend his parenting time in the eleventh. The only difference is after that is his attorney was present, is there something going on with his attorney. Yeah. Is there some bias towards that? Do they have some deal going on?

Because his attorney wasn't present, and she suspended a parenting time? And every single thing I said in that, you know, she said, well I end his time as you claimed this type of abuse. But the transcript will show, that never came up at all, it only came up on the eighteenth because Dc was investigating it. Right. So none of that was stated on the eleventh and there's records in proof.

Yeah. On So it's... I think it's challenging for that. I think that's why maybe it's garnish so much attention because there's significant flaws. You know, I was reviewing a friend's case you know, not that I'm an expert.

I know anything, but I was, you know, and and it's it's a lot You speak messi than mine. Yeah. You speak the same language. There's there's clear cut things in mind, like saying that orders on the 20 eighth never happens that do, you know, saying things like that or my case is, I think crazy to the tenth degree, and, you know, where you say, I know 3 people with similar stories, you know, some of the people I have met 1 of the 17 year olds ran away back to the mother. Mh.

And that's the only reason she's there, and that mother has a transcript. Again, I've seen part of the transcript. I've never reviewed her case, but she said, she didn't care until the child's is 18. She's on the child under her control. And people are horrified just set, when people are like, no No.

Judges don't force back 17 year olds? Well, mind us, and I don't know whoever, however, many other judges do but 17 year olds are being forced back. You know, another 1 said, if I'm forced back, I'm gonna kill myself, he was abusing these 17 year old, This he's saying is this person was abusing him for 4 years. That's not credible. And the answer is, well he deserves a chance to make it right.

The that the abuser deserves a chance to make it right. Oh my god. Yeah. And I'm deeply terrified. Or my children for that reason.

Even if let's just pretend that there's 3 sides to a story. Right? My interpretation of things that have been sedated as abuse might not be somebody else is interpreted. Well, let's just go there. Right?

Let's just let's just suspend that for a moment. There is no way what is happening now is not abuse. Mh. My children are screaming for me. My son had to be taken out screaming and hitting his father begging to see me.

Is this why this abuse. This is in inhuman. This is like civil rights violations. There is nothing now that this is not like torture of children, an extremely detrimental to their mental state, causing irr repair damage. This is trauma.

They went to school and day thinking they're going to see their mom. Correct. And it's almost worse in a way than if kids go to school and moms in a tragic car accident dies because at least there's some closure. You know, you're... It's never...

You're never gonna go over that. I mean, what's the better and like of a computer. Like you're on the other side of a zoom cold. It's it's torture. It's not just grief.

It's also torture and seeing the picture of my son's suck thumb. Kind I didn't even register it at first. Like, I was like, what is he doing? I was, he's he... Oh my god.

He he literally in and out. He was sucking his thumb in my arms. Yeah. It hurts me to stay back. Because to visualize to remember that from yesterday.

I, you, These 5, if he hasn't sucked his thumb since he was an infant. He wasn't even sucking his thumb as a 2 year old. Yeah. It's yeah. It's that regret.

I mean, similar to the wetting the bed and not being able to sleep, like, it's... It's all of these, like, regression that are caused by trauma. And it's so... It's supposed to those. Were you able to see them yesterday?

I was. My daughter had a performance. At her school that she had asked me to attend on 1 of the Zooms before the Zooms got canceled. And, you know, for asterisk, the zooms weren't canceled by the court. The Zooms were canceled.

Yeah, from retaliation for personal grievances. But... Yeah. And I mean, you walked into the school and the parents were like, hey, Are you around this weekend? And you wanna get the kids together.

Yep. Think they don't know what's going on. I mean, my friend... My son's school and my daughter's school are different. You know, my son's school is a very tight community, like, we hang out on the weekends.

We go to, you know, I was supposed take a party bus with all the other moms, to go see 1 of them perform. She's a singer. You know, obviously, I wasn't able to attend that. Take But, like, we're close at that school. Like, they all know what's going.

Like, they all know me as the parent. So they're up in arms over it. But my daughter's... School. Like, they're not aware of the stuff, and they're not on, like, tiktok, you know, like, they're not dealing with this stuff.

So, you know, they don't know. So, I mean, it was also odd to walk in, and I feel be like hey. How's it going and you're like, I don't wanna say terrible and I'm gonna have to get into it. You know, so, you know, I got a hug from the parents that know, which is, like a couple of them and hey Yeah. I didn't realize my son would be there.

So I was thrilled to see my son because my son really needs it. My son as a fighter. And, I hear that my son is actively still fighting and crying and screaming for me that he hasn't even gone into, like, self preservation mode in that. Yeah. Which...

I mean, he hit him. He was kicking him was screaming. And then I had to give him, kind of my aunt. He had to, you know, be kinda correct. Like, you know, claw off me for my aunt to hand him.

It was dad because, you know, we weren't gonna snatch him. I mean, but that's a thing. Like, he's, like, he can't go home with mom. Well, why can't All he has to do is say it's okay. Do you know what I mean?

Like, like, he's not required by court to not allow me, You know, just like, he when he had alternating weekends and he wanted to take you know, or wanted to do something or wanted to take her to a concert on Thursday night. That was my night. I was like, well, I'm not allowed to do that. Of course. His phone number was always programmed into my daughter's child phone around her Gizmo watch.

Like, she can call me anytime she wants. Right. Yeah. I I have never said I wanna see Dad be like, well, you can't. Like, I have never ever ever in my life said that.

I've invited him to my home for Halloween so that we could trick or treat together. I mean, I didn't want to, but I did it for the kids. Right. He's been in my home for all the birthday parties. We take photographs together on the first day of school.

I have always presented a, like, let's get together with your father attitude. Whereas this Halloween, it was his parenting time. Do you think I was invited? And I don't even care, but don't make it like, I'm the 1 working you away from the children when you've been in my house, 3 years in a row for Halloween. Right.

And, like you said, like, there's no order that says that you are not allowed to see the children. He could send. I can end this at any time. Like, we could come together. He could say, you know, this is all getting out of hand.

Right the children clearly need their mother. Yeah. So let's, you know, let's figure this out. I mean, anybody can say that at any moment. So witnessing, you know, children standing there, screaming for their mother, you know, on a Zoom call or on the Zoom call, somebody stating that their bad feelings are getting worse and they told their father of that.

You know, I don't understand who where why when? I don't understand how anybody would allow this? Yeah. Is he still with that girlfriend? His Fiance?

Yeah. Well, and the day if they are... I hear they're engaged and the reason I know that is because he told me, but he told me because he shared it with the children, which set my daughter off again, and that was right before Thanksgiving, and that was when a lot of her mental health issues returned and some of the things that were really scary, that she was kind of threatening or saying that is when it all returned. Which again, I mean, when this started, they don't like her for x reasons but when this started, you know, the therapist were even, like, even if they like her, it would cause very conflicting traumatic feelings because... Then they might feel built for liking her or this or that or whatever.

It's they gets what, like, there's no benefit from an involved third party. There was no benefit They might be a gem to your child. It doesn't matter that gem to your child could cause guilt because that's not your mom or dad. Great. That causes deep things that kids can't understand and process, and then they're gonna be with a therapist from their 25.

I just wanted out... Woman not looking at this whole situation like, dude, call their mother. Cole, I mean, 1 of the injuries happened from her in may. The first injury happened when my son reported himself being shoved the ground and given a bloody nose. Oh, my daughter learned about suicide from this individual because, I guess her brother killed himself and so she had this whole conversation with my daughter at 6 or 7 years old.

Oh, so I I don't... I used to think, and I I've never met her. I've been stocked on the Internet by her, but I've never met her. I certainly won't say her name. You know, that's see member there.

So... But I used to think. Maybe she... She's, like, me. Maybe this was just, you know, she was 35.

To still single. You wanna see what you wanna believe. I just assumed it might be something like that. But there were reasons. Outside of an independent third party that led to her being vac vacation from the home.

There were reasons and concerns that happened primarily with my daughter and the 02:51 a's that were filed from the pediatrician and from my daughter's therapist were actually about we're against her. Yeah. I don't understand how anybody can live in house or children are screaming for their mother. I mean, it makes me sick thinking about it. I don't understand Yeah.

And if I'm thinking about it, like, in my case, like, if my daughter was, like, screaming a talk to her dad, I would give her the phone. I mean, again... And it might make me a little dead inside. You know? I mean, my son sometimes would be like, I missed dad, and in my head, I'm, like, and, again, this is just being honest.

Take it or leave it, and these are the things that, you know, could be misinterpreted in court. When my son sometimes would be like, oh, I missed dad. I mean, it was very rare that he said it? My daughter had more guilt? And in my head, I'd be like, you beg and plead did not go there.

Like, what are you talking about? Dad but I'm not gonna say that, and I was like, oh, yeah. You didn't wanna go to dad yesterday, and he he's like, well, no. I wanna see dead, but with you. I don't wanna be alone with him.

And there is an innate. I mean, I testified and court that they love their father. Of course, they do. I mean, adults that are, like, 30 years old that might have been violently abused by their parents are, you know, that might even be in drastic therapy. It's very hard to not love a parent we're programmed that way.

It's survival. We are made from our parents. So if our parent is bad, we are bad or, you know, that's a thought, that's a psychological thing. They do love their father. You know, it doesn't mean that, you know, 1 of my son's earliest statements, which was really profound.

He said, I love Daddy, but I don't like him. Yeah. Yeah. And I I testified in court. They love their dad.

He is their dad. Better or worse. He's always gonna be their dad. I just wanna ensure that it is safe. That the hospital program or whatever was recommended starts that we get a Gl and here that we figure out what's going on and we move forward.

Yeah. That's all I asked, and that's also buttons me. Figure it out and pretty testified. They like their father. They love their father.

Yeah. Yes. I did. And I'm... Is that making me a bad person?

No. And, like, I think, I mean, like, I'd say the same thing. I know my child loves her dad. You know, of course, there's, like, things that she's issue with. But at the end of the day, you're telling the truth.

You're also in what you said, you're not saying let's just... Strict his parenting time. You said, let's figure this out. Let's take the proper steps and let's make it safe and consistent. I've decided let's temporarily maybe pause when something...

You scary happen. Know, let's get these steps in motion and that's let's see where we are. Right. Kinda goes back to the Katie Rice plan of, like, let's have a step up program. Like, you know, you let's get a Ga get these things, let's get a plan going so that we have a workable plan.

Right. And I mean, the thing that for all those like junk science, like, parental alien claims. I mean, a friend of mine that was having issues with the father got have substance issues and had to be put on pause, for substance. She still reached out and said, hi we're going to the park. Do you wanna come to the park with us?

Yeah. He still made efforts Yeah. For the children to see their dad. I mean, she has a picture of the dad taped up. You know, I I I've seen it.

You know, in the house, it... It's just she made efforts, You know, he would always turn them down, But, hey, we're going to the playground, like, do you wanna come with us so that you can have the time. You know, obviously, there that it was paused for safety concerns, but so the children can see you. Yeah. Yeah.

Being forcibly cut off from them in all ways, I mean, this is all, like, actual parental alien nation, which is, you know, the most ironic thing. Close by the judge? That's there and backed up by their father. Well, I mean, yeah, Or you could say, like, that was the attack of the father and supported by the judge is kinda how I see it. He filed us to suspend my parenting and time on November 6, and that was the 1 where his lawyers stood up and said, once there was a witness.

Moe, that didn't happen. My paralegal wrote it wrong. Oh Sorry. That's not the law. Like, you...

When you signed something, you are required to adhere to that. And you are paid a lot of money to re make sure that those things are accurate. You got caught in the lie and he got caught in the frivolous motion. And guess what? The judge didn't function for it, he even admitted in opening statement, and then she let him go on to rant and rant about me.

And then she said, she canceled my trip to Disney on my parenting and Time. Why? Yeah. My daughter's is ninth birthday present, which she's wanted for 2 years that I've finally scramble together, and I'm taking solely on my parenting time should be canceled. And the reason she's not canceling it is because it would make the dad look bad.

I That's why she graciously allowed me to keep taking it. What? Yeah. It doesn't make any sense and, you know, advocates were like, I've always heard this, but we don't have proof. Who the transcripts have been paid for.

You know what I mean? Like, I will never say a claim that I cannot back up in fact. Yeah. And that's why it probably is scary. Because I'm not just some crazy.

You know, he reached out to a family member. We're really concerned about our mental health. They were, like, we stand behind Christine and the children 100 percent, and we'll 10 even would do so? Yeah. Absolutely.

Yeah. I'm sure everybody that is listening this. Would be wondering. Where does this go from here? Like, what are the next steps in your plan?

You shared with me right before we got on that you do have an attorney now? I do. So that's been sorted out somebody that is going to... Like, she is a criminal attorney first and a probate attorney second. Yeah.

So is this in the appeal... I mean, no. This is still within the probate system? We're kind of given this a shot within the system. Just...

We're gonna give this a shot to have the wrong right, let's say. Before we strategize on the other sides, However, there are other trains that have been in motion, you know, obviously, there was involvement from some government. The state auditor is well aware of what's going on, or Heal office had been indirectly connected to by somebody that knows both of us. You know, there's there's people that have been working on a documentary for this for nearly 2 years that are in their final stages of funding. I mean, this is, I think something that is about to book explode, and I hate that it didn't explode before this happened to me because I don't want to be in this position, and I would give anything to not be.

But as of now, We have a court date scheduled February ninth, whether that changes that is currently what's in the docket. So I can't say anything, plus or minus on that date, but I do know a lot of people that wanted to come out for that date, whether it was just in support or to bear witness, and I welcome anybody to come to that court date. I just wanna make sure if anything changes that that change is communicated. Yeah. And for anybody listening, if you did wanna go...

That you could look up the public record of the docket to see if the date changes or follow Christina, which will get to eventually. I actually plan going on the night. Well, thank you. I appreciate that. Yeah.

I mean, it's funny all this contingency from my high school that... Not getting batteries and I just haven't spoken to, in a while it's like, all up in arms over it, and they're, like, we've been... We've... They've evolved and talk. I mean, like, 1 of these things you hear about stories online, but then you don't hear about it.

Like, you hear about it. You read about it. You know what happens. You see things happen. But to have it all happen to 1 person.

And for them, I think it was the wrong person because I'm not gonna lie a month ago, I would've have thought, oh, she must've have done. Think it's clearly this clearly something very wrong there. But the problem with me is that I used to have a very public facing business. I I was in the newspaper. I was in magazines.

I mean, I'm not saying that's pat myself on the back. All that is a lifetime ago, you know, my life changed with children and things like that, but A lot of people know me for many years and aside from that, a lot of people know me as a mom because we are so social and because we are so inclusive that, you know, have spent a lot of time with, not once, not twice like extensive time with me. That can speak to me as a parent that had spoken to me as a parent. And and I think that is why when he says, no, but believes, sir. Not the doctors, not the this.

Not that. It's like, I don't know who doesn't except for, like, 2 of, you know, the flying monkeys of na, but unfortunately, it's kind of the wrong person because I wasn't like a quote. Nobody. Like people at least knew me. And so that's why it's insane because they're like, not only...

I mean, 1 of my friends who's a great mother, but she went through a terrible divorce. She's, like, not only are you a great mother, but like, you're a better mother than me. Is no better, but she's, like you take your kids skiing, and you take your hiking and overwhelmed to do that. There's no better. We all go through seasons.

But it's just yeah yeah. It's to be different. Correct. Yeah. I mean, if anything, I mean, his family...

I mean, his mother, I remember who despite any problems. I remember saying on a holiday to extended family, like, she's a great mother, and that blew me away because this woman wasn't always my fan. I mean, wasn't always, you know, she could be at odds with her own son, things like that. But even she could see it. You know what Mean?

And I mean know, I'm sure now. I I don't know how they would back up what they're doing, but just even that was seen by somebody that at innate did not like me. And so I think that's why it's so wild. Yeah. No.

I I think it's absolutely wild for... A variety of reasons. But I think for me, when I hear about the threads of this all day long throughout the week and I have my own opinions around the court system, but I think that some of these more I hate saying the word nation. Because it's pseudo science. Yeah.

Actually just saw a college having a course in the pseudo style. I'm, like, what the... What the hell. But something... 1 thing I will say is that...

So I'm trained by Tina with them. I talked, I would say she's a bit of a mentor for me Tina doesn't back up people and share their story unless they're very credible. And I actually, like, Ice found you first because we're in... Same Facebook group, and I started to know your story. Other women I work within in high conflict divorce coaching have brought up.

What's happening to you, you know, in, like, the local realm it's getting a lot of attention. And then I remember, I went on to Tina site and she did this whole thing like math of the family court system and she was talking... Talking about. Like, family court masks. Yeah.

Yeah. And so it just sort of, like, I it continues to add up, and I was thinking about this too before we join, like, this fucking I was like, I want you to get your children back. I want them to be safe. I want them to be thriving. I want you to be...

I'm gonna cry. I'm like I want... I want everybody back where they're supposed to be. I wish you didn't have to be the person that is going to bring awareness to this in Boston. I think you're doing so much good work, but I really didn't truly wish that this didn't have to be you.

I do wish this didn't. Yeah. I feel the exact same. I would rather the figure head for this right now wasn't me. But if, you know, the sloppy work, Just got done to the wrong person.

And, you know, I mean, there's a few series of unfortunate events that created a perfect... Storm of this case, and I think that the documentary that I spoke to, which is funny. No podcast as part of it, but this is totally fine. And I spoke to him it. It it'd be, like, not a podcast series.

Yeah. Because I did sign an exclusivity with them, and I did that for a reason, but they've been working on this for 2 years, because it happened to 1 of their Friends and as reporters, they were like, what? So they started looking this. They had covered all, you know this that the other. And they were, like, we've been looking for somebody like you, And wow.

Like, in your 2 years, you've been looking for somebody like me because mine is just that f up. Yeah. Well, I feel like it's validating, and it's terrific at the same time because these are lives at stake. Every day that goes by, and my kids are further. Traumatized.

I am further traumatized. I don't even know where we go from here. But they've been looking somebody like me. The public just doesn't understand how common this is, like, Looking for 2 years, if they found you. I'm so glad they found you, but I hear about these stories.

I'm sure you do like, I guess I haven't heard 1 like this, in a few months, but it wasn't that long ago. I mean, again, being in the 1 mom's battle community, I hear about worse. A lot. But... Yeah.

I'm glad that huge huge club Tina. I mean the work she does. I've gotten to know her personally. I mean, I don't know if you know. I might watch this.

Up doctor Christine Koch couture. Yep. Actually doing her screening next month. Yeah. She is a big supporter of me, up she stays in touch with me.

She has offered to come testify for me, and she said, I do not testify. I guess I should maybe put that out there, but it was just that egregious that she, like, can't... Like, almost like, is following this until it stops. With me specifically. But, obviously, these people do amazing work.

And I've been able to align with amazing people. This might not be accurate, But I'm... I think it's possible that Tina might be friends with Kelly Ruth, And I I recall when Kelly ruth Went through her traumatic, custody ish jay, her children were taken out of the country. And, you know, through degree of separation, I've known Kelly Ruth. I don't know Kelly W wouldn't remember me, but she and I used to hang out with them Mercedes Benz fashion Week lounge at New York City in Lincoln Park, or when at Lincoln Center or a fashion week in the Vip lounge with the champagne, like, I knew Kelly from that.

You know? So it's... Obviously, that was a different life ago, but it it is all these, like, degrees of separation, and it happens to people that are even famous. So that with resources like, what chance do I stand, but here we are. Yeah.

I hope that we can connect after this is... Because, get, I'm hopeful that everybody returns back to, like, the kids come back. And this takes a turn. And again was looked like where it was with the first judge. I mean, even now, I don't even know how we go back.

Do you know what I mean? Like so much has happened. I don't even see how we could go back. How do they ever go back to somebody that basically held them against their will from their mother You know, like, if there weren't issues before, how do we go back from this? Right.

What is the path forward? I don't even have that answer. Yeah. Know, like, even if we reverted back, what we were we stood on, you know, whatever date, how are my kids... I mean, they didn't wanna go before.

You know what I mean? And now, they've been fully traumatized. How do we heal from this? I don't have that answer. If somebody else has that answer, I welcome any resources.

So at least know what to do when that time happens, and all the advocacy, all the awareness, all the chairs, all the comments, all the likes, all the people recording their own videos, being like, I know this woman, like, what the heck, This isn't okay. You know, all of that is helpful, and people know people and people have connected me to different political people and people have connected me through conversation is how we've gotten this far. And the war isn't over. We have a lot left to do, and I am in need of everything and anything. Yeah.

So on that, please share how people can find you. And just before we do that, I'll just say, there's also a go from me out for... Christina and her legal bills, which are astronomical. Anybody that's been through family court knows how astronomical they are, imagine how a economical they will be in her case that we're talking multiple 6 digits. So I will post the link if you can, if you're able, please donate.

And I... With that, every donation is helpful. Like, Chris was like, a nickel nicole. I don't think you can connect But don't need a nickel, but that sentiment is Yeah. Yeah.

Anything is helpful. And and if you are unable, like, I understand. I've been there. Even just sharing the story is helpful. So everybody doing what they can or able to...

You know, and some people can donate money. But they can't share the story because they're in their own battle and they're afraid. So, you know, like I said, everything and anything is an integral part of fixing this for me, but fixing this for us as well. Yeah. Can you share your handle on Tiktok and Instagram?

Yes. I am single Mama Magic. That's Mama, MAMA. My joke is there was a single dad magic. And when I changed my name for the life of the single mother.

I was like, well, then I'm the single mama magic. Yeah. Thank you. But... Yeah.

So when I'm very new to Tiktok, I don't... I didn't know anything about Tiktok 4, but once Tina is posting things, you know, we kinda jumped on the train, but it is the same handle in both. Yeah? Thank you for joining me. I'm sorry.

That this is the circumstances that we're talking, but well, thank you for having me, but most importantly, thank you for having this platform because... I said it once. I won't stop saying it. I might say it less eloquently at times, but, like, evil exists in the dark and the shadows. And I do believe it cannot exist in the light, and that is why like the movie spotlight and the spotlight team at the globe, like that term spotlight, like, if we put the light on it, I don't see how it can survive.

So I think that we all need to shed as much light on this as possible. And I think that's our responsibility. Yeah. And our obligation as members of this government that the people should not be afraid of their government. Yeah.

And we do not wanna teach kids to grow scared. Speak about what's actually happening. Right. And if not me, you, I mean, I'm just the person this happened to, but this happens all the time. Right.

Well, thank you so much, Christina. I know we spent a lot of time together today, but I really, really appreciate you coming on, you sharing your story. I know this will help people that are feeling very stuck, and I hope that this also leads to some extra resources that will help you. It like woman that unfortunately led to assisted suicide. She said, I hope this isn't for nothing that this sheds awareness, my children will come home.

But I hope, you know, don't let this trauma be for nothing. Yeah. Thank you for joining me. Thank you. And such.

Alright. Thank you so much. Alright. Bye. Trauma